Scene 1
Loretta awoke suddenly with an intensifying urge to be sick. Running to the bathroom she hurls up last nights dinner.

Pascall who happens to walk past the toilet, saw what her sister was doing and shrieked “Oh no, you’re not pregnant are you?”
Loretta spun around and yelled “No f***ing way” slamming the door in Pascall’s face. Loretta then got to thinking, “F**k what if I am pregnant, that means that Hayden Peters got me up the duff. F**k he’s skipped the country, I’ll do more than burn his house down this time, I’m going to kill him!”
“Pull your f**cking head together, Loretta thinks to herself. “It had to be mum’s bloody cooking last night”.
Loretta drags herself back to bed, slamming the door behind her, where she spends the rest of the day hiding.
Sheryl arrives home with takeaways for dinner. Smashing on Loretta’s door she demands she get out of bed for tea. Ignoring Sheryl’s order, Loretta throws the blankets over her head and declares she’s staying put.
During the normal dinner bickering, Pascall sarcastically tells the rest of the West family that Loretta was puking in the toilet earlier that morning.
Sheryl leaps from her chair screaming “Where the f**k are my cigarettes?”
“I’ll get you a drink” says Wayne as Pascall searches for Sheryl’s cigarettes.
Grandpa pipes up saying “Oh my god, she’s not up the duff to that Hayden f**king Peters is she?”
Sheryl leaves the kitchen, cigarette in her mouth and drink in her hand heading straight for Loretta’s room.
Grandpa who is now rolling his eyes in the back of his head says “As if Pascall moping over Bruce isn't bad enough, now there's a bloody kid on the way".
Wayne glares at Pascall from across the table saying “Did you really need to stress your mother out without knowing the truth; she’s got enough crap going on with you at the moment”.
Pascall huffs at Wayne and storms out the front door slamming it behind her.
“Well Ted, I think dinners over” says Wayne. Grandpa gets up scavenging what food is left over and heads for his caravan.

Sheryl bursts into Loretta’s room, dragging on her cigarette. “Loretta what the f**k’s going on, are you pregnant” asks Sheryl.
Jumping out of bed Loretta says “Bloody hell mum, No! Are you nuts; it was your cooking last night, it gave me food poisoning”.
“Like f**k it was my cooking, no one else is sick. You've got morning sickness”, says Sheryl.
Loretta calms her mother down and tells her that she is not pregnant, that there is no way she could be and reassures her it is just a bug. Sheryl stops stressing, believing what Loretta has told her. She kisses Loretta, and leaves the room muttering “that f**king Pascall”.
Loretta throws the blankets back over her head, thinking to herself "F**k I hope I'm not pregnant, it better be a bug or mum's going to f**king kill me".
Sheryl walks back into the lounge to find everyone gone except Wayne. She cuddles up to him on the couch, lighting another cigarette. She looks up at Wayne and says “Why are you still here, how can you cope with this lot of mine”. Wayne tilts his head around towards Sheryl kissing her on the cheek
“I wouldn’t have it any other way”, he says.
Scene 2
After ten positive pregnancy tests, Sheryl says “That’s enough Loretta, you're f’’king pregnant! I’m taking you to the doctor”.
“No, I’m not. There must be a fault with the tests, I can’t be f**king pregnant,” says Loretta.
Loretta and Sheryl sit stunned as the doctor tells them Loretta is nearly five months pregnant, and there is no option of abortion; it's too late for that now. After driving home from the doctor’s, Loretta announces to everyone at home that she will be raising the baby on her own, and she does not want Hayden to ever know that she is having his baby.
“I always hated that Hayden f**king Peters anyway,” grumbled Grandpa.
Pascall who is still moping around the house, pining over Bruce screams out saying “I should be having a baby not bloody Loretta”.

“Bruce and I wanted to have lots of kids, we should still be together” she says.
“Oh come on Pascall, maybe you two weren’t meant to be, you’re going to be an aunty soon” says Sheryl.
“I don’t’ care, I have to get Bruce back!” cries Pascall.
“Loretta my car is out of gas, I need you to drive me to see Bruce NOW, sobs Pascall.
“Ha-ha, piss off” says Loretta “I’ve got better things to do than run around after you”.
“PLEASE!” moans Pascall. “I’ll do anything for you, please Loretta please, I’m begging you”.
“Fine, only because I can’t stand you f**king moaning any longer; get in the car, I don’t have all day, I have to open the Video Hut in half an hour” says Loretta.
Loretta and Pascall get into her car and head towards Bruce’s house, bickering at each other as they drive.
“Go faster Loretta, Bruce starts work soon I can’t f**king miss him” weeps Pascall.
Loretta starts to get frustrated with her sister’s moaning and speeds up way over the limit.
As they approach the last corner before Bruce’s house, a logging truck speeds around the corner on their side of the road.
Loretta is too busy yelling at Pascall to shut up, instead of watching to road as the truck collides straight into them.
Bruce comes upon the horrific scene minutes after it happens. Stopping immediately he dials 111, but is terrified to move any closer as he recognizes that the vehicle is Loretta’s.
Firefighters cut unconscious Loretta and Pascall out of the car, rushing them to Auckland Hospital in serious conditions.
Sheryl’s cell phone starts ringing, while at the pub having lunch with Wayne. “Hello, I’m a tad busy can you ring me later” says Sheryl.
“Sheryl its Bruce here, I have some heartbreaking news for you. Loretta and Pascall have been in a serious car accident, they are both in critical conditions in Auckland Hospital; you need to go there immediately”.
“What! No your f**king joking me,” screams Sheryl.
“I’m so sorry Sheryl, is there anything I can do?”
“No, I have to go” says Sheryl as she hangs up.
“Wayne, f**k the beer we got to go; the girls have been in a bloody car accident, ring the boys to meet us at the hospital”.
The West family pace the floors in the waiting room of the hospital. Sheryl starts to storm out for a cigarette but is stopped by a doctor who asks “Are you Sheryl West?”
“Yeah, why, who are you?” she says.
“I’m the doctor who worked on your two daughters; I’m sorry to inform you Mrs. West but we couldn’t save you daughter and grand daughter”.
“Oh my God, Loretta and the baby!" screams Sheryl.
“No, sorry it’s Pascall and Loretta's daughter Mrs. West” says the doctor.
“NO”!!!!!! Screams Sheryl; collapsing to the ground.
The rest of the West family stand their gob smacked as Wayne races to Sheryl’s side.
"I need to see Pascall right now" weeps Sheryl.

"Of course, follow me I will take you to her", says the doctor.
Sheryl and Wayne leave the room with the doctor.
"I'm going to see Loretta" says Van.
Van walks in to find Loretta crying on the bed, "I can’t believe it she says; my baby and my sister are gone, just like that".
"It's going to be ok Loretta, we are all here for you" says Van.
"I had a girl says Loretta, I named her Aurora”.
Van walks over to Loretta and starts cuddling her with tears pouring down his face "Thanks Loretta that means a lot to me, Aurora would have loved the baby” says Van.
Loretta cuddles Van sobbing in his arms. He looks at her and says “Aurora will look after her now”.
R.I.P Aurora and Pascall

Hey guys. this is my final fan fiction. I have changed some things around from your feedback with Part A and B. Let me know what you guys think of the final product!!
Ive added heaps of photos as well so you know who some of the characters are!
Ashleigh Lack...
Hey Ashleigh,
I really enjoyed your fanfiction it was really interesting and as i was reading i kept picturing it happening on the actual show. Of course there was the odd punctuation mistake but we all have them. One thing I would advise is for you to maybe use the "scenes" a bit more, as it was kind of jumpy, like around the car crash bit. I just thought it wouldve been more clear if you had said it was scene 3 or something. But otherwise it was good. A really good description of what each characters like. I loved grandpa, the way you wrote about him was spot on. And the same with Sheryl. Good work!
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